

Created by Dirk Manning

When the lovable Cthulhu Jr. and a wannabe supervillain cross paths, hilarity and hijinks ensue in this new all-ages graphic novel!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Big Update! With photos!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 03:04:54 AM

Our books are next!

Hello everyone! I've got exciting news!

First, I'm delighted to announce that I've been informed the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Editions of THE ADVENTURES OF CTHULHU JR. AND FRIENDS are the next in que at the printer -- finally! As I'm sure you all know, printing has been a bit jammed-up for a while, but we're next! Yay! This means, including shipping, the books should be at the fulfillment center warehouse in about two months! I appreciate all your patience through this process, as I'm as anxious to get these books in my hands as you are... and the warehouse has assured me they'll start to be (carefully) packaged and shipped out to you as soon as they arrive!

Plushie Proof!

Furthermore, we got the final model for the Cthulhu Jr. plushie... and look at this cute little guy!

He looks so cuddly!

The plushies are going to be shipping from a different factory than the books (of course), and we're waiting on a final-final timeline on their arrival... and you'll have another update shortly when I get THAT date.

That being said, we're discussing possibly shipping the plushies and the books (and all the other stretch goals) separately in order to best maintain the shipping integrity of the books... but, again, I'll keep you posted on that.

Thanks, all! I appreciate you all very much, and I'll have another update for you soon! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please drop me a message!

Oh... you wanna wrestle?

Before I go... have you seen the newest book I'm writing for Source Point Press?I'm honored to have co-written ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER with legendary wrestler (and founder of The Four Horsemen) Arn Anderson! This is the true story of Arn's life leading-up to -- and then forever changing -- the landscape of professional wrestling and is gorgeously illustrated by the tag-team talents of Colm Griffin and Shawn Daley:

Love professional wrestling? Know someone who does? If so, get this new graphic novel!

If you're a fan of professional wrestling (or know someone who is) please head over to and check it out! Real talk... the first five pages of this book are among the favorite openings to a graphic novel I've ever written... EVER!

Thanks again, all! I hope you're all doing well and I'll be in touch again soon with more CTHULHU JR. updates! In the meantime, rejoice, he's almost here!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

The stars are entering their proper alignment...
about 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 11:24:32 PM


Hello friends!

I just finished doing a final proofread on the print-ready files THE ADVENTURES OF CTHULHU JR. AND FRIENDS... and it felt good. Really good!

Once this final PDF is approved it gets sent right to the printer, who will then print and deliver the books to the warehouse, who will then pack and ship your books and Stretch Goal bonuses, as well as your plushies and anything else you may have ordered.

Because we're now this close, the BackerKits will be closed and locked in the next few days, with all ordered considered finalized. So...

  • If you haven't completed your BackerKit yet, please do so immediately! 
  • If you want to add any additional add-ons to your pledge, please do so immediately!

You can check your BackerKit and make sure everything is as you'd like it at

Thanks all! I appreciate all your support very much! Looking through the whole book like this makes me more excited than ever for all of you to get this one in your hands... and I'll be in touch with another update soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

The Big Apple beckons... then production begins!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 09:21:41 AM

The last chance...

Hey all!

With New York Comic Con on the horizon, I wanted to give you all a quick update on the status of production of The Adventures of Cthulhu Jr. and Friends as we enter the final stretch towards production!

As many of you know, I'll be at New York Comic Con (Artist Alley Table H8) this weekend, as will Source Point Press (Main Floor, Booth 2343). SPP is doing a major push for their Kudlee Kaiju line of plushies at the con (seriously -- I've seen the bag and bags of them... and it's A LOT)... so we decided to keep the BackerKit open until after the convention in order to give people one last chance to get in preorders for the Cthulhu Jr.  TPB and a plushie.

In full transparency, supply chain issues continue to be a minor factor, and this little extra time is also part of the process of us just getting "in que" with the companies who have the supplies we need to get our stuff!

Keep in mind, though, that all of YOU get the KS Exclusive Hardcover edition of the book if you ordered it -- and all the other KS Exclusive Stretch Goals, so by backing this campaign you got the most swag for the lowest price. So again -- sincerely -- THANK YOU.

And speaking of BackerKit...

Speaking of the BackerKit, huge congratulations on most of you filling out your BackerKit so quickly! Y'all rock!

There's a few of you out there who haven't completed your BackerKit yet, so if you haven't and you're reading this, please do so HERE:

Also keep in mind that the BackerKit is open to the public, so if you know someone who missed the campaign but may want the TPB and/or the plushie feel free to share that link with them! After all, who among us doesn't need a little more Cthulhu in our lives, right?

And speaking of Cthulhu...

The Great Old one has always had a looming presence (to say the least) in my horror noir series TALES OF MR. RHEE, and that is especially the case in the brand new and latest installment of the series TALES OF MR. RHEE: "Rock Star Paranoia" by me, illustrator Austin McKinley, colorist/letterer Alessandro de Fornasari, and editor Drena Jo.

Well, I'm excited to announce that both Austin and Drena Jo will both be joining me at New York Comic Con next week! If you're coming to the show -- or know someone who is -- send them by to come say "Hello!" and maybe get a signed book or two, yeah?

Again, who among us doesn't need a little more Cthulhu in our lives, right?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Again, friends, thank you so much for all your support on this campaign. Once NYCC is over production on this book is expected to proceed pretty quickly, so expect more updates soon!

In the meantime, THANK YOU for your support... and know I very much look forward to seeing some of you at New York Comic Con! If you're there, be sure to swing by the Source Point Press booth, too!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Did you fill-out your BackerKit? Also, some HOPE-full news!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 06:04:06 AM

Hey all!

It looks like about 90% of you filled-out your BackerKit! Yay! If you haven't yet, please take a moment to go here to do so:


Also, if you know someone who may have missed the campaign, feel free to share the BackerKit link with them so they can still get the TPB (and more, such as the plushie) with free shipping:

That aside, if you don't mind me offering you a little cross-pollination, I wanted to make you all aware that Source Point Press is offering a "Special Edition" reprint of my graphic novel HOPE Volume 1: "Mother" that's now available for pre-order through comic shops everywhere! If you have a local comic shop, I encourage you to ask them to pre-order you a copy so you can get it day-of-release this November HERE.

Thanks again, everyone! I appreciate you and will be in touch again soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

The BackerKit is LIVE! Complete it to finalize your order!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 13, 2022 at 04:12:20 AM

Here's the BackerKit link if you didn't get it yet!

Hey all!

As of earlier today you should have all gotten a link to the CTHULHU JR. BackerKit, which is where you need to go to verify your address and finalize your order.

If you didn't see (or get) the email, you can access your BackerKit HERE:

As mentioned a moment ago, through BackerKit you'll also be able to  provide us with  your shipping address and specify any other details...  including adding on any bonus items you may want.

You can also share the BackerKit link if you know anyone who perhaps missed the initial campaign but may want to get a copy of the book, the plushie, or more. (Fear not, the hardcover edition and the Stretch Goals are NOT being made available to anyone who didn't preorder it through the Kickstarter Campaign. Only YOU get those numerous perks for preordering!)

What You Need to Know About BackerKit (Especially if You've Never Used it Before)

Your BackerKit will be pre-populated with the rewards you pledged for during the campaign. After you answer the  questions related to your   pledge level (if applicable), BackerKit will take you to the Add-Ons  page. The Add-Ons  page is set up just like a web store where you'll be  able to include any  Add-Ons you may have wanted by adding extra money  to your pledge during  the campaign. Basically, it's just like you're  shopping online -- if you want anything extra.

Otherwise, just confirm your pledge and shipping address and you'll be good to go!

If you have any questions, please send a message through the BackerKit page -- or send me a Direct Message through this platform -- and I'll be in touch soon!

(Give me a few days, though, as I had C2E2 this past weekend and now I'm doing a signing at a library comic con tomorrow!)

Here's the BackerKit link one more time:

Enjoy, all!

Production Update

That aside, the book is done, the prose story is written, and next week I have a meeting at Source Point Press headquarters where, among other things, I'll be working with the production team to layout the bonus prose story and do the final production work we need to finalize to send this book to the printer!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning