

Created by Dirk Manning

When the lovable Cthulhu Jr. and a wannabe supervillain cross paths, hilarity and hijinks ensue in this new all-ages graphic novel!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Your book just got EVEN BIGGER! Huzzah!
about 2 years ago – Mon, May 30, 2022 at 05:27:30 AM

Ia! Ia! The Fifth Stretch Goal has been Unleashed!

Thanks to all your support the FIFTH Stretch Goal was unlocked earlier today, meaning THE ADVENTURES OF CTHULHU JR. AND FRIENDS has now gotten even bigger with the inclusion of a brand-new bonus prose story!

I don't know if we've told anyone this yet, but the fifth and final chapter/issue of the book is already oversized to begin with (it has to be given what happens on Halloween Night!). but now the book will be "embiggened" yet again with with a brand new prose story with spot illustrations by Scoot!

The prose story has been unleashed... now let's get those free pins!

Scoot and I had some initial conversations about what such a story could look like quite some time back, but we never formalized  anything, so this is going to be a cool experience to revisit this world so soon with a new story! (If our previous conversations will be any indicator, expect it to feature the flaming floating skull Aloysius quite prominently... but we shall see!)

There's 10 days left... let's unleash the two pins, too!

I'm super excited about everything we've unlocked in this campaign so far, but like many of you I'm also very much hoping we can include the two free hat-pins with your pledges, too!

Remember, the way this works is this: The more people who support the campaign, the more free bonus swag everyone gets, so please keep making people aware of this campaign using this link:

I feel like I post about this campaign on social media all the time, but things get washed away on social media quickly, so if you know someone who might want to get the Kickstarter Hardcover, the plushie, or both (and more?), let them know what we're offering here for these last ten days!

Remember: Every pledge level that includes the KS Exclusive HC includes FREE U.S. SHIPPING!

Thanks again, everyone! I appreciate you all so much and I'm looking forward to unlocking these next two Stretch Goals -- at least -- over the next 10 days!

Thanks again, everyone, for supporting some fun all-ages horror!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Some projects from some friends worth exploring...
about 2 years ago – Sat, May 21, 2022 at 09:05:11 AM

Looking for some more good books? Here's some worth supporting...

Hey all!

I love reading, I love comics, and rarely a day goes by that I'm not either reading or writing them.

One of my favorite places to discover new comics (and comic creators) is Kickstarter, and to that end there's a few Kickstarter campaigns currently running that -- given your support of THIS campaign -- that you may want to consider checking out, too.

 HOUSE OF FEAR Vol. 1 & 2

Writer/Editor James Powell is offering a "Goosebumps meets Tales from the Crypt in this 176-page volume that collects eight tales from the HOUSE OF FEAR series, and includes two new stories!"

Click here to check out HOUSE OF FEAR by James Powell and friends!

If you're especially interested in Cthulhu/Lovecraftian-related materials, this campaign is also offering a number of pretty cool add-on options that should tickle your fancy, too. You can -- and should -- check out the campaign for HOUSE OF FEAR Volumes 1 and 2 HERE -- but hurry, it only has a few days left!


Writer Ben Goldsmith is one of those writers who I know professionally and personally through our publishing ventures with Source Point Press, and he's also one of those creators who's an "instant buy" for me every time he has releases a new book.

In his own words, "SEANCE ROOM is a comic about the people that  enter Weiss Manor and confront the ghosts of the house and the demons of  their minds. Each issue is a full story or  psychological torment."

Ckick here to check out and support SEANCE ROOM Volume 2!

So, you know, if you're backing CTHULHU JR. because of the "all-ages" aspect of it alone -- this ain't the type of book you will necessary want to give a young reader in your life. However, if you like terrifying horror, I can't recommend this one enough. Plus, did I mention that this one also involves a HACK/SLASH crossover? Because it does! Check out SEANCE ROOM Volume 2 and treat yourself to some great horror comic reading from a fellow Source Point Press creator HERE.

Life (Back) on the Road...

I'm happy to say I'm back on my feet after a nasty (NASTY) sinus infection, and as such I'm happy to be getting back on the road with two (at least) upcoming convention/signing appearances:

  • May 27-29: Cherry Capital Comic Con (Traverse City, Michigan)
  • June 18: Hell-O Summer Fest (Hell, Michigan)

There are a few other appearances in June and even July(!) in play, and I'll be sharing those at and in my monthly newsletter as they're finalized... but that's what I can share as 100% confirmed at the moment!

Anyway, this isn't about me, it's about these two campaigns... so go check them out, friends!

Thanks all! I appreciate all your support, and as I type this we're about halfway to Stretch Goal #5, which will unlock the Bonus Prose Story, making the book EVEN BIGGER! From there, we'll move towards unlocking both those amazing hat pins... and the best way to get there is to share with people who may be interested in the book and not have heard of it yet.

Again... thank you! I appreciate you all very much, and we'll talk soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

All four Round One Stretch Goals Unlocked! Round Two Revealed! And another campaign of note!
about 2 years ago – Mon, May 16, 2022 at 12:23:17 PM

All Round One Stretch Goals have been unlocked! Round Two has been revealed!

Rejoice, all! Thanks to all of you, all four Round One Stretch Goals have been unlocked! This means that every pledge level that includes the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover will now include:

  • A Kickstarter Exclusive Bookplate!
  • Each bookplate is personally signed by me and artist/co-creator Scoot McMahon!
  • Each bookplate also now includes a remark sketch by Scoot!
  • Each book will now also include my Great-Grandma's infamous "Ranger Cookie" recipe that drives all the monsters in the book love so much!

(Seriously... if you haven't read it yet, you can read the whole first chapter of the book online for free HERE.)

The Round Two Stretch Goals are upon us... and now we can put a pin (or two) in it!

We're super-excited about the Round Two Stretch Goals, which include the option to unlock a new prose story with spot illustrations by Scoot (making the book EVER BIGGER) as well as two amazing hat pins! Here's the details:

A bonus story and two hat pins -- all for free with every pledge level that includes a KS Excluisve Hardcover! Let's unlock them all... and more!

These pins will NOT be available in the mass market later, and even if you can find them in the wild they won't be available for free -- so let's unlock them both, friends!

Here's another Kickstarter you should check-out, too!

Two of my genuinely favorite writers in all of comicdom -- Garrett Gunn and Dr. Christy Blanch -- have just launched a Kickstarter campaign for a young adult comic illustrated by the equally amazing Kit Wallis that I encourage you all to check out and support: WE EAT GODS.

I love everything this team of creators publishes, and I suspect you will too, so check this one out, friends!

Here's the plot, as described by Garrett (who, I might add, is a fellow finalist for the Gary Reed Independent Comic Creator of the Year Award at Cherry Capital Comic Con in Traverse City, Michigan this year alongside yours truly, if that tells you anything):

"Before humanity’s extinction as a result of the God War, a fleet of  saviors for humankind were created, known as the Godeaters. In the years  following the War, these droids would attempt to vanquish the Gods one  by one until none remained so that humanity could return. But the will  of the gods persevered and now the last hope for humanity lies in the  heart of a single Godeater droid: Raze."


I've already pledged for my copy of the book, and I encourage all of you to do so as well at right away!

If you need any more convincing, keep in mind, this book is also being published by Source Point Press, so you know it's going to be good!

As always... thank you! Let's keep sharing!

As always, remember that the more people who support the presale window of this campaign, the more free swag we all get, so feel free to keep sharing the details of this campaign with others who may want to preorder a copy of the book and/or the plushie (or more). Nothing has more impact than personal recommendations, and you can share this link with them so that can read the whole first issue for free and pledge to their level of desire:

Thanks again, everyone! I appreciate you all so much! Keep sharing the campaign, and be sure to check-out WE EAT GODS, too! It's gonna be great, and there's always room for more great comics!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Stretch Goal #2 has been unlocked! Double-signatures for all hardcovers!
about 2 years ago – Fri, May 13, 2022 at 10:14:11 PM

Your hardcovers have been upgraded! Again!

I apologize for the late night update, but I've been busy setting-up at Packrat Comics for Free Comic Book Day tomorrow (well, technically later today, I suppose) and spent the evening as part of the V.I.P. event with Tony Schiavone, who will also be joining us for the event tomorrow signing copies of his graphic novel (co-written by me) BUTTS IN SEATS: THE TONY SCHIAVONE STORY.

Earlier today all of you supporting this campaign unlocked the *SECOND* Stretch Goal, meaning every Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover of the book will now come with a bookplate double-signed by me and artist/co-creator Scoot McMahon! Check it out:

Double Signed Bookplates! How cool is that? And KS Exclusive remarks are next!

Next up, the KS Exclusive Bookplate that comes with every KS Exclusive HC will also come with a KS Exclusive Remark by Scoot! And then... the Ranger Cookie recipe from the book that's desired by humans and monsters alike!

And then... we unleash the Round Two Stretch Goals!

The more we share, the more we get!

Keep in mind, friends, the more we share this campaign, the more people preorder books and plushies, and the more free Stretch Goal bonus upgrades we all get! It's that simple, and we're that happy to pay it forward to all of you as part of this Stretch Goal party!

If you'd like to let other people know about the book, the plushie, and the Stretch Goal party which will allow them to get KS Exclusive items and free Stretch Goal bonuses and upgrades, feel free to share this link with them:

A quick note about FREE COMIC BOOK DAY tomorrow...

Should you be heading out to FCBD tomorrow (sorry, later today as I type this), here's a quick insider tip from me to you: Keep in mind that the FCBD books aren't free to the shop owners, so if you can, try to support them by picking-up something for sale, too. They'll most certainly appreciate it -- and it will help allow them to host many more FCBD events for many years to come! (For those of you keeping track at home, this is year #17 of FCBD, and every FCBD appearance I've done has been with Packrat Comics in Hilliard, Ohio -- because I appreciate their support, just like I appreciate yours.)

Thanks, all! Enjoy your day, enjoy some free comics, keep spreading the word on this campaign, and we'll talk soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Day One = We're Funded and have unlocked the first Stretch Goal!
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 05, 2022 at 07:35:38 AM


Hey all!

On behalf of myself, Scoot, Sean, and Leah, I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for your absolutely AMAZING support on this first day of the campaign! Not only did we get fully funded on Day One, but we also began the Stretch Goal Party by unlocking the First Stretch Goal!

Y'all are absolutely incredible! THANK YOU! TRULY!

Furthermore, thanks to all your enthusiastic support and sharing across social media Kickstarter designated us a "Project We Love" within the first two hours of the campaign! Yes, seriously!

They love us! They really love us!

I swear, that's got to be some kind of record! Again, THANK YOU for making that possible! And speaking of records...


Not only did we get fully funded on the first day, but we've also unlocked the first Stretch Goal -- a Kickstarter Exclusive bookplate! Those of you who've backed other campaigns on mine know that we like to offer some really cool art on these!

The KS Exclusive Book Plates have been unlocked... and getting them double-signed is next!


We've had a great first day, friends, and my focus for the rest of the campaign is going to be simple: Pushing to unlock as many free Stretch Goal bonuses for all of you as we can!

Remember, the best way to get there is through word-of-mouth recommendations, so please keep sharing details about this campaign using the link letting people know that this is the ONLY way they can get the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book as well as the Cthulhu Jr. 12" Plushie -- all with FREE U.S. SHIPPING -- and also all the Stretch Goals we unlock in this campaign!

Thanks again, all! I'll be in touch again soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning